Thursday, June 11, 2015

Open Heavens for Prosperity & Financial Increase ( Genesis 28:1-17)

Make these confessions out loud.

Psalm 113:5,7,8
“Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high, He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.”
  • Heavenly Father, I present Myself before Your throne in Jesus' name and by His precious blood. Father, it is a privilege and an honor to be able to present myself before You like this. I don't take it for granted. I know that it is Your love that has brought me here. you have embraced me as Your child, and I find my dwelling place between Your shoulders. I stand boldly before You because of Your grace and mercy. I have no fear because I know You, Father, and I trust in Your love.
  • Father, I know that You have given me Your Word to bring me into the life You have called me to live in Your Divine Prosperity. I make my choice right now, before You and all of heaven; I will believe Your Word without reservation.
  • God, You are not a man that You should lie nor the son of man that You should repent of any of Your pronouncements. Once You have spoken, twice have I heard this, that all power belongs to You. Therefore, I believe every Word of God, because the Word is God Himself and because You cannot lie, every promise of You for my life WILL come to pass.
  • As I make this confession, I declare to the devil that I am not ignorant of who I am in Christ; I am born again, I have been crucified with Christ. Now I am seated with You, God, in heavenly places. I am a saint, I belong to You. Jesus bought me with His own precious and blameless blood, and has translated my life from the kingdom of darkness into His kingdom of light, peace, and abundant life.
  • Father, I know that there are more that are on my side than what my eyes can see. I know that what I see is not the whole truth. Therefore, no matter what I see, no matter what the circumstances are showing, I will continue in faith. I know that You are on my side no matter what I am facing. You are my COMFORTER and my unfailing PROVIDER. 
  • I refuse to trust in my bank account, my credit rating, my paycheck, my investments or anything else in this world. My trust is in You. You alone are deserving of all praise, honor, and glory. Your Word says that Your eyes look throughout the earth for someone to whom You can show Yourself strong. Here I am Father. Show Yourself strong in me. I believe in You. I know that You will prosper me as I meditate on Your promises and speak them to you in faith.
  • I stand on the victory of Jesus over satan and over death and hell, for it is written, that Jesus first of all descended into the lower parts of the earth and stripped the devil of all his powers and ascended on high, leading captivity captive, and gave gifts to me. By this victory alone any gathering of the powers of darkness that is against my prayers is now defeated by the blood of Jesus.
  • Through my faith in Jesus Christ, I have become a seed of Abraham. The blessings of Abraham are indeed mine. The Scripture says I am blessed with faithful Abraham. Therefore, I am a partaker of all heavenly blessings. It is written, that God, You have blessed all Your children with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. Lord God, You are my sun and shield. You give me grace and glory. No good thing will You withhold from me as I walk uprightly before You. The Scripture says if I ask, I will receive. Therefore, I ask, and by faith I receive grace and glory from You. Jehovah God, You are all sufficient. The Bible says You are more than sufficient. I receive Your divine abundance in every area of my life – in my finances, investments, household income, business and ministry.
  • I confess and I receive it. My prayer is a sweet smelling savor in the nostrils of You. I ask and receive Your grace and glory to incubate me and my prayers. As it is written, I am a crown of glory in the hand of You, a royal diadem in the hand of my Maker; I begin to shine as a shining light. Your light, God, is in me; darkness cannot abide in me and cannot overshadow me. The light of Your glory is seen over me and all eyes shall see it together. Anywhere I go I always stand out. Even when darkness shall cover the earth with dense darkness over all people, You will arise upon me and Your glory shall be seen upon me. I shall see and be radiant. My heart shall thrill and tremble with joy and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea is turned to me. Unto me the nations come with their treasures. Foreigners build up my walls, and their kings minister unto me.
  • I do not put my trust in the ways of man, nor do I rely on the strength of others to sustain me. My trust is in You, my Lord – my PROVIDER. You alone are the strength of my life. You give me Your Spirit of Might. I maintain a bold confidence in Your Word. It is the final authority in all that I do.
  • I am like a tree planted beside pure spring water that sends out its roots to the edges of the stream. I do not fear when heat comes, for my leaves will always remain green. You won’t find me stressed out and in anxiety, in times of drought, famine or even financial calamity, for You Lord are my mainstay, and I never fail to bear much fruit.
  • I am a child of wisdom and understanding. I have been anointed with an abundance of wisdom for finances so that I may be greatly successful in financial management.
  • Everything I set my hand to prospers and is bringing forth unfailing wealth and success. I refuse to give in to fear and doubt. I am not dismayed by my current financial situation. I am strong and of good courage. For You, Lord are always with me to shield me. You go before me with divine prosperity and give me miraculous financial victory. You are my rereward and I do not fear financial destruction.
  • Right now, I stand in my position as a true child of Jehovah God, ordained to reign as a king (queen) here on earth. I decree the flavor of divine favor to fill me. For You, God have put Your Word in my mouth as a weapon of destruction and restoration. I use Your power to speak destruction upon all the devil’s agents assigned to hinder me and divert my financial blessings. I use the same weapon to decree restoration upon my financial life. It is written that I should not consider the former things, for God, You are truly doing a new thing in my life. Money, increased finances, wealth and financial solvency now speedily springs forth upon me. Now I decree that new prosperous things also begin to spring forth in my marriage, with new things to prosper me in my business and finances, and with new prosperity springing forth in my ministry and calling, in Jesus’ Name.
  • Lord continually make Your face shine upon me and be gracious to me in my financial prosperity. Let Your light shine on my finances, investments, and business endeavors and encompass me with Your favor forever.
  • I cover my confessions with the precious blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus, the Christ, my Lord and my Savior. Amen.

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